Sunday 20 June 2010


Its just few days back I saw Pursuit Of Happiness. A movie which I should have seen long back, but better late than never. A contemplation of this movie was must. I was left speechless… absolute beauty! It’s a perfect map for all those who have lost the way to their goal. It works like a caffeine to stimulate your conscience to increase your self-belief. I was in pusuit of something like ‘pusuit of happiness’, a movie that left me so many things to learn, a movie that made me think on those basic fundas of life…

Chris Gardner(the protagonist) had no one to fall back upon. His ONLY support was his play-group going kid-Christopher. His wife, Leander, left him due to his constant failures! Chris couldn’t pay his rents, the taxes, his sales work wasn’t going good… but still he was dreaming big- to get in as a ‘stock-broker’ in a big big firm! Christopher was the only one who showed faith in Chris Gardner. At times even he used to lose faith in his dad. And everytime, Chris was successful in bringing back his son’s faith and finally he proved himself! Its about his journey on how he rolled his dream to reality.

I would try to abridge the whole 1hr 57min 22secs into a few points:

  1. The MOST important of all- self belief and self confidence. You must have heard this n-number of times and today I again repeat the (n+1)­­­th number of time. Its so obvious if you yourself doubt your capability there would be no sense even if the world appreciates you. But if you have self-faith then it wont even matter if the whole world laughs on you.
  2. Be your own biggest motivator. There shouldn’t be a need of a second person to come and tell you how good you are in XYZ or how bad you are in ABC. Sometimes you do need someone to elevate your moral but in absence of that someone you would have to stand up as your own support.
  3. People come and go. They criticize, demoralize, laugh, try to pull you down. You cant stop them. Its all on how you take those criticisms and how you deal with their attempts to fail you. Every damn dog has its day! Remember that!
  4. When you dream big, the hurdles are bigger. Instead of cribbing about them try and find a way out of it. If your dream is extraordinary your efforts also have to be extraordinary.
    You might fail in your attempts but if you really want to reach out to your goal you cant give up! Sometimes we feel we gave our best and still lost, in that case think that you mustn’t have given your best! Every time you make an attempt to rise, after you fall, would count in your success.
  5. Sometimes people take a lifetime to accomplish their goal but at the end they feel the contentment which is worth their efforts. Success wont come overnight. Basically you need constant determination, momentum, hardwork and a longing thirst for your dream.
    A positive approach helps alottttttttt.
  6. Try to find something good out of every failure. Learn from your mistakes and make it a point that they only happen once. That’s only how you can keep yourself going.
  7. And one very basic truth of life- wealth, poverty, happiness, sadness all are relative terms. They all depend on the way you look at them.

    I would like to share the most encouraging part of that movie.
    Chris to his son:
    “Don’t ever let somebody tell you, you can’t do some. Not even me! You got a dream, you got to protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you, you cant do it. You want some, go get it! Period.”
    Everytime I go low in my life, these are the words I’ll look upto…